A Labor of Locks
November 22, 2021
VIPs Bankruptcy filings for companies with at least $50 million in debt hit three in the week ended November 12 vs. nearly 15 seen in June 2020; though the Fed’s credit backstop limited creative destruction, corroded supply chains are pressuring firms that survived the pandemic An average of Future Inventories from regional Fed surveys suggests […]
Danger, Will Robinson!
November 19, 2021
VIPs Per Bank of America, the percentage change in inflation-adjusted grocery spending on a 2-year basis slipped further into contraction in October; while food inflation appears to be leveling off at high levels, per the CRB, higher prices are driving nominal gains in card spend On an inflation-adjusted basis, growth in goods spending reached a […]
Hysteron Proteron Club
November 18, 2021
VIPs New homes under construction rose to 1.451 million in October, eclipsing the 2000s peatilk of 1.426 million circa March 2006; the last time units under construction were higher was the 1970s, though the current boom critically lacks the same underlying population growth rates Unsold existing single-family home inventories sit at 2.4-months, a record […]
King of the Catch Phrase
November 17, 2021
VIPs October’s 1.7% MoM retail sales print was the largest since March and more than four times greater than the 0.4% long-term average; however, given these are nominal terms, deflating them using the CPI shows real retail sales remain 6% below March’s post-pandemic high At 1.09, September’s retail inventory/sales ratio hovered just above April 2021’s […]
Not Archimedes Principle
November 16, 2021
VIPs Cass freight shipping costs saw a 36.2% YoY gain in October, the largest on record, as supply chain disruptions persist; though logistics costs have surged, shipment volume has calmed thus far in Q4 to a 0.8% YoY advance vs. the 29.9% and 9.1% gains of Q2 and Q3 The American Trucking Association estimates […]
Greatest Expectations
November 15, 2021
VIP The record 4.3 million U.S. workers who quit in September total 3.0% of total employment, a sign of increasing worker confidence; geographically, quits were highest in the South at 3.3%, and were outsized in food/accommodation and arts/entertainment at 6.6% and 5.7% Though off a record high 7%, job openings still remain at an […]
Walkin’ In Memphis Like an Egyptian
November 12, 2021
VIPs Per CoreLogic, Memphis is the most desirable housing market for investors, with the rest of the top 10 spread across the South and Mountain-West; conversely, the least attractive housing markets for investors, save for two cities in Louisiana, are in the Northeast Pre-pandemic moratorium, Memphis historically had one of the highest eviction rates of […]
Thank You for Your Service
November 11, 2021
VIPs Both the MoM and YoY changes in the CPI and core CPI exceeded every estimate by economists in Bloomberg’s survey; the surprise generated an up-shift in the U.S. Treasury curve, with the greatest bulging seen at the 5-yr point as the 5s30s curve flattened < 70 bps In the last […]
Banzai Pipeline
November 10, 2021
VIPs PPI inflation for intermediate goods has exceeded the same metric for finished goods by a double-digit margin for the last six months; only the seven-month stretch from July 1974 to January 1975 compares historically, as pipeline pressures risk bleeding into consumer prices ISM Manufacturing New Orders, though still above the 50-breakeven, has fallen below […]
We Go Together
November 9, 2021
VIPs The S&P 500 Basic EPS Hotels was never negative until 2020, and has stayed in contraction for the last seven quarters; despite their historically tight correlation, hotel occupancy has recovered to pre-pandemic levels while hotel profits lag on account of higher input costs Since bottoming out in April 2020, hotel workers have seen their […]